
L.A. Committed to Single-Family Housing?

I am outraged at comments by city of Los Angeles senior planner Gurdon Miller about Los Angeles’ “historic commitment to protecting single-family neighborhoods.” (“L.A. to Granny: Not Happening,” May 18).

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Although more affluent communities have maintained their single-family character, since the late 1950s the city has allowed huge portions of single-family neighborhoods to be either radically altered or obliterated.

And how was this done? Hundreds of greedy developers and land speculators have come into our city and obtained significant zoning changes and variances that allowed for the destruction of thousands of single-family homes, primarily in economically depressed neighborhoods in Los Angeles.


Thousands of beautiful homes (i.e. Spanish style, California bungalow, Craftsman, shingle-style and more) were lost, replaced by huge and unsightly apartment and condominium complexes. Miller needs only to drive through our city to see this. Where has he been all these years? It’s time he opened his eyes to what’s been happening to our neighborhoods.


Los Angeles
