
Tax on Home Businesses

Upon reading that attorneys for the Writers Guild of America delivered a strongly worded legal brief to Councilwoman Laura Chick opposing the home business tax as unconstitutional (“Writers Guild Protests Home Business Tax,” May 30), I was astonished by the comments of Ken Bernstein, an aide to Chick, who not only defended the ill-conceived home business tax, but said, “City Council could repeal the home occupation ordinance tomorrow and writers would actually have fewer constitutional protections than they did before.”

Not only does Bernstein not understand the law, his statement seems to indicate that the framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights were asleep at the wheel, but that fortunately for all of us, certain members of the City Council have picked up the slack in properly protecting our civil rights and liberties.

What a pity that Bernstein and Chick are relegated to L.A. city politics and are not serving as justices on the Supreme Court. Would a much-needed and long-overdue tax on judicial robes be far behind?



