
Radio waves, ocean waves:An overnight host at...

Radio waves, ocean waves:

An overnight host at L.A. radio station KTNQ-AM (1020) mentioned that he was dismayed that Miss Hawaii had won over Miss Venezuela in the Miss Universe contest. Next thing he knew, says program director David Gleason, “he proceeded to get a half-dozen calls from listeners who complained.”

The listeners were calling from Hawaii.

But that’s only one of the unusual aspects of the story. KTNQ broadcasts in Spanish.

HONK IF YOU LOVE ART: Salt Lake City--not L.A.--recently became the first city to establish a drive-through art gallery.

Don Brady, owner of an interior design firm in the Utah city, installed glass windows along the drive-through portion of an old savings and loan building. The art sits inside, free for the viewing.


“A lot of people don’t have time to go into a gallery,” explained manager Sue Harman. “This is a fast-food society, and now it has drive-through art.”

Patrons haven’t been involved in any rear-end collisions yet, but Brady added, “we do find a lot of hamburger wrappings outside. Apparently it’s a cheap date.”

If your car culture pride is hurt by all this, we have some consolation. Next month, the guest artist at the drive-through will be Sue Balmforth of Venice, who will display her collection of antique found objects. No word how many will be old car parts.


FROM OUR “DUH” FILE: Robert Raimist snapped a shot of an unusual “No Left Turn” sign in Beverly Hills, which apparently wants it known that it doesn’t have any drive-through construction areas.

EVEN THE SIGN MAKES US JUMPY: Byron Myhre found a coffeehouse in Torrance with an appropriate name (see photo). Especially amid those reports of rising coffee prices.

BUT SERIOUSLY, FOLKS: It was another stunner for KFI-AM (640) radio listeners. First, talk show host Phil Hendrie had reported that colleague Bill Handel had been fired for filching paper clips, among other things. That turned out not to be true, but rather was only a joke. Then, a few days later, Hendrie was missing from his show and replacement Tammy Bruce announced that Hendrie had been given the ax. That was also a joke.


We’re reminded of the time that Bruce, a gay activist, announced on the air that she had just adopted this pose as a gimmick and that she was actually married. Some shocked fans didn’t notice it was April 1. Another whopper.

By the way, the drive-through art gallery item was NOT a joke.


Our item about the rubber stamps that say “With Deepest Sympathy” occasioned a call from a reader who spotted another variation in this Hallmark-challenged genre. It was a rubber stamp that said “I love you--and only you.”
