
FRESHWATER17. CASTAIC LAKE--Not a wide-open bite, but...


17. CASTAIC LAKE--Not a wide-open bite, but lots of small largemouth bass, some striped bass and catfish are being caught. Steve and Greg Glogow, Valencia, 24 largemouth, largest 5 1/2 pounds, on mudsuckers in lower lake. Dan Douglass, North Hills, 12-pound 8-ounce striped bass, on Needlefish lure. Justin Ponce, Camarillo, two stripers, largest 10 pounds, on Z-Plug. Gene Carlson, El Monte, 14-pound catfish, on night crawler.

18. LAKE PIRU--Trollers getting some trout on Needlefish fished deep off face of dam. Largemouth bass action slow to fair. Night crawlers, plastic worms and salt-and-pepper grubs fished slowly getting most. Fran Landeros, Fillmore, 6 1/2-pound bass, on plastic worm at north end. Some catfish and crappies. New hours: 5:30 a.m.-7:45 p.m.

19. PYRAMID LAKE--Largemouth bass active at Tin Cup and along bank below bait shop, biting mostly on night crawlers and green or blue grubs. Catfish bite fair in channel and from bank. Mackerel and anchovies best baits. A few stripers caught on anchovies at Tin Cup and Yellow Bar.


20. LAKE CACHUMA--Trout biting, with fishermen averaging two-three fish. Trollers fishing 20-40 feet and bait fishermen using night crawlers to 60 feet doing best. Largemouth bass action fair at east end, crankbaits getting most. Some red-ear perch.

21. LAKE CASITAS--Largemouth bass fishing poor. Don Stevens, Ventura, seven-pounder on crawdad. Plastic worms and night crawlers fished in mornings and afternoons are getting some too. Catfish very active, with fish to 15 pounds biting on mackerel and night crawlers in shallows. Red-ear perch biting on red worms and mealworms. Some trout biting for trollers using Needlefish at 30 feet.

22. CORONA LAKE--Not much happening during the day, but hybrid stripers are boiling on the surface and hitting mini-jigs in early mornings and afternoons, and catfish are sucking up chunks of mackerel in afternoons and evenings. Crappie action fair.


23. SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--Catfish action steady. Lots of limits. Other species slow.

24. IRVINE LAKE--A 14-pound 9-ounce trout was caught by R.L. Travis, Claremont, on a pear-colored mini-jig along the west shore. The bite for much smaller fish is fair and expected to slow as the water warms. Catfish limits are being recorded daily. Largemouth bass action fair.

25. LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Catfish limits common, mostly at night. Some bass and an occasional trout being caught.

26. LAKE SKINNER--Catfish biting at dam on anchovies and chicken livers. Small striped bass showing occasionally at the scales, and a few crappies and bluegills are being caught.


27. LAKE PERRIS--Largemouth bass fairly active. Ron Hahn, Moreno Valley, 12-pound bass, on Rat-L-Trap at dam. Mark Hall, Perris, 10-8 bass, on popper at Bernasconi. Jeremy Babcock, Beaumont, 8-8 bass, on brown plastic worm at Rock Climbers’ Cove. Some catfish.

28. SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--All of the bass lakes are producing, with a few 10- or 11-pounders coming from El Capitan, Otay and Sutherland. San Vicente anglers sacked 2,072 bluegills in the last week. Hodges yielded 261 channel catfish. The trout bite is all but history at Miramar and Murray.

29. LAKE CUYAMACA--Tiny crappies are dominating the action, and a few catfish are being caught. Meanwhile, the trout bite has slowed to almost nothing and the bass bite is not much better.

30. BIG BEAR LAKE--Six trout weighing five pounds or more were caught in the last week, topped by one 7-10 by Leonard Hichinger, La Habra, on a Triple Teaser at dam. A few bass caught on small plastics, and a few crappies taken on mini-jigs.

31. BISHOP--Boat docks have finally been installed at South Lake and Lake Sabrina, and South has been planted with trout for the first time this season. The road to North Lake is finally open and fishing is fair to good at all three lakes. Owens River slow. Pleasant Valley Reservoir fair for perch, slow for trout.

32. MAMMOTH LAKES AREA--A 9-pound 2-ounce rainbow was caught at Convict Lake on yellow Power Bait. Salmon eggs getting smaller fish near outlet. Crowley Lake producing perch on small jigs. Some limits of trout. Other productive trout waters include Rock Creek Lake and Rock Creek, Lakes Mary and George, and Hot Creek.


33. JUNE LAKE LOOP--An 11-pound trout was landed at June Lake, a 9 1/4-pounder at Silver Lake, and a 6 1/2-pounder at Gull Lake. Grant Lake and Rush Creek yielding fair numbers of smaller trout.

34. BRIDGEPORT--Bridgeport Reservoir and East Walker River best bets for larger trout, with fish to five pounds. Virginia Lakes producing. Twin Lakes fair. Robinson Creek fair for limits of pan-sized rainbows.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

1. SAN SIMEON (Virg’s Landing)--9 anglers (1 boat): 1 lingcod, 10 red rock cod, 10 rock cod, 75 rockfish.

2. MORRO BAY (Bob’s Sportfishing)--2 anglers (1 boat): 20 red rock cod, 20 rockfish.

3. AVILA BAY (Avila Beach)--6 anglers (1 boat): 90 rock cod.

4. SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--24 anglers (2 boats): 152 calico bass, 31 sand bass, 32 mackerel, 71 barracuda.

5. VENTURA--32 anglers (2 boats): 105 calico bass, 46 sand bass, 4 barracuda, 10 rockfish, 4 sculpin, 2 cabezon.


6. OXNARD (Cisco’s)--45 anglers (2 boats): 65 barracuda, 160 calico bass, 4 rockfish, 107 sand bass.

7. PORT HUENEME--13 anglers (1 boat): 130 calico bass, 12 rockfish, 2 halibut

8. MARINA DEL REY--39 anglers (3 boats): 1 barracuda, 1 cabezon, 23 sand bass, 67 calico bass, 1 sculpin, 2 sheephead, 12 blacksmith perch. (In-Seine Sportfishing)--39 anglers (3 boats): 222 calico bass, 61 sand bass, 22 barracuda, 5 halibut, 15 sculpin.

9. REDONDO BEACH--120 anglers (4 boats): 128 calico bass, 49 sand bass, 258 barracuda, 3 halibut, 18 sculpin, 5 whitefish, 250 mackerel, 27 rockfish.

10. SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--72 anglers (3 boats): 3 yellowtail, 146 barracuda, 210 calico bass, 144 sand bass, 5 bonito, 8 sculpin, 4 rockfish. (22nd St. Landing)--169 anglers (9 boats): 31 albacore, 44 yellowtail, 398 calico bass, 355 barracuda, 60 sand bass, 168 bonito, 3 sculpin, 11 blue perch, 1 cabezon.

11. LONG BEACH--165 anglers (6 boats): 132 albacore, 12 yellowtail, 290 barracuda, 141 calico bass, 206 sand bass, 11 bluefin tuna. (Belmont Pier)--48 anglers (3 boats): 92 barracuda, 80 calico bass, 211 sand bass, 25 sculpin.

12. SEAL BEACH--69 anglers (3 boats): 5 yellowtail, 295 barracuda, 67 calico bass, 297 sand bass, 1 halibut, 2 sheephead, 15 sculpin.


13. NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--154 anglers (5 boats): 15 albacore, 6 yellowtail, 7 white sea bass, 64 barracuda, 47 bonito, 54 sand bass, 206 calico bass, 13 sculpin, 7 halibut, 24 blue perch, 2 cabezon, 31 mackerel, 7 giant squid. (Davey’s Locker)--210 anglers (7 boats): 70 albacore, 33 yellowtail, 455 barracuda, 15 giant squid, 79 bonito, 195 calico bass, 79 sand bass, 4 sculpin, 3 sheephead, 150 mackerel.

14. DANA WHARF--191 anglers (8 boats): 85 albacore, 385 calico bass, 44 sand bass, 3 yellowtail, 3 bonito, 4 mackerel, 2 rockfish, 21 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 2 giant squid.

15. OCEANSIDE--135 anglers (6 boats): 42 albacore, 211 yellowtail, 32 barracuda, 110 bonito, 56 calico bass, 18 sand bass, 1 white sea bass, 35 mackerel.

16. SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--302 anglers (15 boats): 642 albacore, 187 yellowtail, 1 bluefin tuna. (Seaforth)--247 anglers (7 boats): 79 albacore, 175 yellowtail, 64 bonito, 25 barracuda, 56 calico bass. (Islandia)--135 anglers (5 boats): 25 albacore, 22 yellowtail, 16 barracuda, 28 bonito, 6 sand bass, 52 calico bass, 1 sculpin, 10 rockfish, 1 mackerel.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Jackson Lake. SAN BERNARDINO--Big Bear Lake, Green Valley Lake. RIVERSIDE--Lake Hemet. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South forks and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Georges Creek, Goodale Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Shepards Creek, South Lake, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Bridgeport Reservoir, Convict Creek, Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek, Lee Vining Creek (South Fork), Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Rush Creek, Saddlebag Creek, Sherwin Creek, Tioga Lake, Trumble Lake, Virginia Lakes, Walker River (Chris Flat Campground to town of Walker and Leavitt Meadows Campground to Sonora Bridge).
