
Wilson Assails New Law on Felon Education

Gov. Pete Wilson on Thursday formalized his opposition to providing special education services to adult felons serving time in state prisons, ordering the state Department of Corrections to seek an exemption from a new federal law.

The law signed by President Clinton last month contained a compromise provision limiting the financial penalty California would face for failing to provide those services. But Wilson said any such services would come out of the already insufficient funds for special education in the state.

The state Department of Corrections estimates that 1,500 prisoners could be eligible for services such as tutoring or vocational and speech therapy. The cost would run at least $13 million annually.


“It makes no sense for the state to spend its limited special education funding on convicted murderers, rapists and child molesters,” Wilson said in a statement.

By refusing to comply with the law, California could be penalized $875,000.
