
Name Game Again: By a two-ballot margin,...

Name Game Again: By a two-ballot margin, residents of a 1,200-home slice of Van Nuys voted to rename their community Valley Glen. The area is bordered by Woodman Avenue, Victory Boulevard, Burbank Boulevard and the Tujunga Wash. The city has yet to approve the name. Dennis Reed, a dean at Valley College, says the college supports its neighbors, but might still list itself as part of Van Nuys.

* SPECIAL SECTION: Today’s Valley Edition includes The Great Outdoors, a special section on outdoor recreation, from camping to hang-gliding.

* UNIVERSAL STUDIOS: A critic of a proposed expansion at Universal Studios has his own plan for handling the extra traffic--a tunnel. B1


* CLASSIC CARS: The Batmobile and other classic TV cars are headed for a museum in Tennessee. B2

* STORMY SEAS: A jury found a captain guilty of cruelty at sea. He may be hard to find. He was last seen fishing off Tahiti. B1
