
Obituaries - June 6, 1997

Glasgow, Gladys I., 93, of North Hollywood, retired supervisor for Pacific Telephone Co. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

McCauley, Robert, 46, of Encino, retired hospital administrator. Aftercare California Cremation and Burial Society, North Hollywood.

Rengler, Frances, 87, of Sylmar, retired salesperson for Garey’s Market. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


Rogers, Marshall Jefferson, 54, of Palmdale, driver for Curtis Sand and Gravel. Halley-Olsen Funeral Chapel, Palmdale.

Salzer, Esther B., 95, of Montrose, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Glendale.

Twaddell, Jeannette Victoria, 55, of Lake View Terrace, homemaker. Aftercare California Cremation and Burial Society, North Hollywood.

Vakhutinskaya, Rakhil, 91, of Tarzana, retired music teacher. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
