
Sale of Homes Once in Freeway Path OKd

Over the objections of South Pasadena city officials and some residents, the California Transportation Commission on Thursday approved the sale of 11 surplus state-owned homes that were once in the path of a proposed freeway.

The commission gave approval for Caltrans to sell the 10 homes in South Pasadena and one house in Pasadena due to changes in the proposed Long Beach Freeway extension. The houses will be sold to the Pasadena Neighborhood Housing Services and Esperanza Charities, a nonprofit housing agency. The houses, purchased at a reduced total price of $663,000, will be rehabilitated and rented to low-income families, particularly those with family members who have autism, charity officials said.

Commissioners heard from South Pasadena representatives that the sales would bring down property values where homes sell for more than $300,000.


“This sets a very bad precedent,” said Councilwoman Dorothy Cohen. “Cities should be able to determine where they want their low-cost housing to go.”
