
Crazy Horse Adds Progressive Dates

Pleased with last month’s experimental series of shows by acts outside the commercial mainstream of country music, management at the Crazy Horse Steak House has decided to continue regular bookings of progressive-country acts.

Fred Reiser, co-owner of the Santa Ana venue, said he was “encouraged” by the turnout for the Tuesday night shows by Will Glover, James Intveld and Chris Gaffney and the Cold Hard Facts, which each drew 175 or more to the 250-seat club.

Booked in the coming weeks are return engagements by Intveld (June 17) and Gaffney (June 24), as well as a July 8 show by Jann Browne, a much-lauded veteran of the Orange County progressive-country scene. Other emerging acts scheduled include Bill Davis & Endless Highway, June 16; Marti Taylor, June 23; and Billy Tulsa and the Psycho Crawdads, June 30. Prices range from $3 to $6. (714) 549-1512.
