
GTE Donates $70,000 to Civic Arts Plaza

GTE has donated an additional $70,000 to the Alliance for the Arts, the Civic Arts Plaza’s fund-raising arm, bringing the company’s overall contribution to $500,000.

The alliance, which has raised more than $10.5 million to assist with the operations of the Thousand Oaks performing arts center, will host a reception Friday at noon to receive the money from GTE.

“GTE values our ongoing relationship with the Alliance for the Arts and the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza,” said regional Vice President Steve Zipperstein in a news release. “We appreciate the opportunity to help support the arts in the Conejo Valley.”


The company, which has offices in Westlake, was one of the first donors to the Civic Arts Plaza. In addition to financial contributions, GTE has provided in-kind support for the Civic Arts Plaza, and has printed season brochures for the complex since its grand opening in 1994.

“GTE’s relationship with the Alliance and the Civic Arts Plaza is greatly appreciated,” said Bob Lewis, chairman of the alliance’s board of directors, in a news release. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with them.”
