
I Didn’t Know That

Q: What is the farthest the naked eye can see in the nighttime sky?

A: On a smoggy night in Los Angeles, about 200 yards, according to Neil de Grasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium. On a clear night, however, one could expect to see the Andromeda galaxy, which is 200 million light years away. Its 300 billion stars appear as a fuzzy little patch in the constellation Andromeda. All other visible objects in the sky are part of our own Milky Way galaxy and are at most a few thousand light years from Earth.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. June 12, 1997 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday June 12, 1997 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 2 Metro Desk 1 inches; 25 words Type of Material: Correction
Last week’s I Didn’t Know That . . . gave the wrong distance to the Andromeda galaxy, the most distant object visible to the naked eye. The correct distance is 2.28 million light years.
