
Secondhand Smoke Exposure

* In reference to your editorial of May 26, I’m a little tired of the continual barrage of articles blaming secondhand smoke for everything from lung cancer to heart attacks. How can any reasonable person overlook the sea of smog we breathe in every day, coming mainly out of the smokestacks of factories and refineries and auto exhaust pipes? Why try to blame every respiratory ill on secondhand smoke, which is probably the least contributing factor?

The answer is, it’s easier to blame the addiction of smokers than our addiction to the automobile. We tolerate the chemicals spewing out of refineries and automobiles that are the main cause of unhealthy air because the majority of us want to keep our addiction. It’s easier to blame the habit of a minority instead.


Cathedral City

* Your editorial on secondhand smoke was right on the mark, as far as it went. Do you want to lead a really meaningful crusade? We hope someone with a voice will get out front and lobby against those who smoke in cars and other closed spaces where there are children. Youngsters don’t have a say in the matter, but they can sure suffer the consequences.


We suggest more editorials, commercials, debate and yes, even laws, if necessary. Someone needs to speak for defenseless children, especially since parents are the biggest cause of this problem.


Twentynine Palms
