
Paula Jones’ Suit Against Clinton

* Lars-Erik Nelson’s Column Left (May 29) on the Paula Jones suit was lamentable in that his worry is the trashing of the president. So when does the defense of sexual predators stop because of his position? With a senator, a drill sergeant, a general, a sergeant-major? I don’t think this is just a Republican vs. Democratic thing. Certainly there was a political agenda in the Bob Packwood matter, but more important there was truth.

The office of president must not be occupied by a person of any party not our moral leader. The office can only retain its good name if we prevent those with shallow morals from occupying it. If they are elected and found to have seedy pasts, expose them. The office will not suffer by upholding justice. The office will suffer if we make exceptions.


Capistrano Beach

* There is an old adage, “Be careful of what you wish for because you might get it.” Dan Schnur (Column Right, May 29) should be a bit more thoughtful about its meaning before he gloats too much about Clinton’s Paula Jones problems.


Perhaps he thinks Republicans don’t commit sexual transgressions in hotel rooms with their employees. Perhaps they don’t. But I suspect that many red-blooded Americans would be able to find equally valid lawsuits against Republican presidents for other types of transgressions.


Redondo Beach

* Americans cannot be sure if Jones did in fact have any off-color moments with our president that were not mutual. But there is one thing we can be sure of. Her tenacious lawsuit does not have at heart the best interest of our country.


