
FNet Corp. Obtains Rights to PeakJet Technology

FNet Corp., a subsidiary of Franklin Telecom in Westlake Village, has signed an agreement with Peak Technologies of Bellingham, Wash., to obtain exclusive rights to technology designed to speed up Internet access.

The technology, called PeakJet, was customized by Peak Technologies for Franklin’s satellite applications. It will be used in several of Franklin’s Internet services to provide accelerated access, Franklin officials said.

PeakJet, which FNet made part of its FX Accelerator software, will be included in the recently announced Franklin Xpress Satellite product line. Franklin Xpress is offered through Franklin’s exclusive agreement with DigitalXpress, a company jointly owned by Boeing, Computing Devices International and Conus.


The FX Accelerator also will become a key component in the Premium Internet Services currently being offered by FNet.

“Combining PeakJet’s performance enhancements with Franklin’s aggressive Internet service offering and innovative satellite technology is a natural next step toward improved Internet access,” said Doug Foster, president and CEO of Peak Technologies.
