
Women’s Tech Group to Hold Annual Confab

Women in Technology International will focus on the business of technology at its third annual conference, Wednesday through Friday at the Santa Clara (Calif.) Convention Center. Men and women from all corners of science and technology will gather for workshops, panels, round tables and exhibitions to discuss professional and technological advancements.

For more information, call (800) 334-9484 or point your Web browser to

They’ll show you theirs: For all the latest in presentation technologies--slide projectors just don’t cut it anymore!--check out the InfoComm International trade show Wednesday through Saturday at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Call (800) 222-6884 or visit to for more information.



* Piano devotees might want to head to for a live Webcast of the 10th annual Van Cliburn Piano Competition. The classical music contest started May 23 and runs through Sunday.

* The Writer’s Guild of America is online at with free information for writers about literary agencies, tools of the trade (links, books), tips from professionals and interviews with screen and TV writers.

* The Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific may not exist in the real world (it’s scheduled to open in June 1998), but it does in the virtual one. At, you can take a tour of the planned aquarium or get admission rates and directions.


* Pedal over to for a guide to Los Angeles bike paths. The site has a list of paths, photographs and links to Web biking resources. iBike ( has more general news and information about mountain bike trails, events, training, mechanics and more.

* The Crenshaw Neighbors is a nonprofit organization that works to enhance the community. To read about the state of the community, issues the group is addressing, a history of Crenshaw or the neighborhood plan, go to

* The Children’s Partnership ( has resources about children and technology. The site offers rules and tools for families online and analysis about kids in the Information Age.


* In Season ( has news about locally grown produce and farmers markets. Read about why organic berries are so costly, or find the best farmers markets in California.

* Healthfinder ( is a health information resource courtesy of the U.S. government. Healthfinder can lead you to publications, databases, other sites, support groups and organizations that can help you understand and deal with health topics ranging from adoption, food labeling and aging to Medicaid, Medicare and domestic violence. Dr. John’s MedWorld ( also is worth a visit for your health-related questions and concerns. Dr. John has health news, information on health-care trends and MedWorld chats.

* For information about the Museum of Modern Art’s exhibits and programs, head to There are also photos from the museum’s painting, sculpture, drawing, photography and film and video collections. Technology in the 1990s ( is the museum’s Web site for its lecture series of the same name.


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