
11th District Council Race

The 11th Councilmanic District has a large Jewish population on both sides of the big divide, the Santa Monica Mountains. But does it call for Georgia Mercer to trumpet her Jewishness to the degree she has?

On May 23 I received her mailer, “A special message from leaders of the Los Angeles Jewish Community.” As there is no Jewish issue at stake, her appeal offends me, flogs American democracy and bores holes in the church / state separation wall.

I am shocked by those who signed the letter finding a need “for identification purposes only” to list their Jewish organizational affiliation. If “leaders,” surely they are known in the community.


Being Jewish has no bearing on the issues before the City Council. It can raise a dangerous question of “Jewish” quotient.


Pacific Palisades

* Where was Mercer when we were having problems with one-hour hotels and prostitution on Ventura Boulevard? Where was Mercer when we needed a new post office in Tarzana? Where was Mercer when oversized developments were threatening our neighborhood?

The answer: nowhere. On the other hand, Cindy Miscikowski was fighting for us the whole time. She kicked out the prostitutes from our neighborhoods, worked to secure money for our new post office with good parking and wrote Proposition U, the initiative that limited commercial developments, among other places on Ventura Boulevard, by 50%.


The next time you read or hear someone refer to Mercer as a community activist, ask yourself, what has she really done for us in the Valley. You will be hard-pressed to find a single thing, because whenever we have needed something we have relied on Miscikowski to get the job done.



* Re “In Council Race, Tough Part Is Finding Audience,” May 18.

I have great difficulty reconciling my impressions attending the debate with that of your reporter, Nancy Hill-Holtzman.

Hill-Holtzman’s reporting makes it sound like the gate issue was the only issue discussed. On the contrary, many items were covered: planning, donations, allegiances, Willie Williams’ payout, crime, schools, parks, taxes, lobbyists, unions, endorsements--on and on. I am disappointed that your reporter did not choose to focus on those many issues, but seemed stuck in the Mercer camp on the gate issue throughout her story. I had hoped the Valley Edition would have presented a more authentic representation of what the tough audience at the debate witnessed.


Voters of the 11th District have great concerns about who will represent us and decide the fate of our next four years. We are bright enough to understand the problems and solutions facing us and far too savvy to get stuck on a smoke-screen issue that seems to have blinded your reporter.


Woodland Hills
