
Big Omission in Asians Graphic

The chart on A13 (“A Growing Presence”) accompanying a front-page story in [the article] (“Asian Studies No Minor Issue for Director,” May 13) was a real shock to me and, I am sure, to all other Vietnamese American readers of your newspaper.

The chart, based on a UCI source, totally ignored the thousands of Vietnamese American students at UCI in its graphics purportedly showing the composition of UCI’s Asian American population. I have heard stories about racism at UCI, but this is perhaps the worst.

Your researcher could have used a little investigative effort to rectify this horrible omission. This is also most regrettable since the story, an excellent one by Randal Archibold, dealt with Dr. Ketu Katrak, the new UCI director of Asian American studies, and her proposal to elevate the program to a major at UCI--well, 30 years after Berkeley!



Santa Ana
