
Rodeos Teach Kids Animal Cruelty

You don’t have to be an animal rights activist to be outraged at the abuse suffered by animals at the hands of rodeo cowboys. (“A Range of Emotions,” May 18.)

The photos depicting them manhandling animals should be appalling to any human being. Unfortunately, these pictures don’t begin to describe the horrors that await these unsuspecting creatures, as they are poked, shocked, beaten, spurred and strangled by cowboys for the fun of it.

These sadists try to justify their cruelty with the dubious claim that they get hurt more often than the animals. One rodeo enthusiast was quoted as saying that the animals are “no different than football players getting beat up on. They’re used to it.” Don’t these people understand that the animals are not choosing to take part in this brutal “sport?”


It was especially disturbing to read of all the children participating in rodeos. Animal abuse is not a value to be instilled upon our youth. Kids who abuse animals often grow up to abuse humans.

There are so many other forms of entertainment that don’t involve the torture of innocent animals. It’s time to put an end to this inhumane and shameful tradition.


Laguna Beach
