
Without Magic, It Seems Riley Has Lost Charm Too

Pat Riley whined [May 24] that his team “has to beat the injustice of what comes with playing a championship team.” At least Riley finally explains how--despite having by far the most talented team of the entire ‘80s--he was finally able to wrestle those few championships with the Lakers: preferential treatment from the referees.

This also conveniently excuses why Riley hasn’t won anything since with the Knicks and why the Heat just lost so limply to the Bulls.

Pat, do us all a big favor: Get over yourself right now. And please send me a list of the corporations who pay you big coin to listen to messianic rants from the suit and haircut who rolled the balls out at practice for Magic and Kareem. There is a bridge down here in Coronado I can sell them.



San Diego


So, Pat Riley is complaining about Michael Jordan getting too many calls. Funny, but during his last few years in Los Angeles, the Lakers’ bread-and-butter play was Magic Johnson taking the ball, straight-arming his defender, traveling, then recklessly bowling his way through the lane, knocking over anyone who was there, then without even trying to make the shot, throwing the ball up and letting out a loud groan. He was almost always rewarded with two free throws. I don’t seem to recall Riley complaining about special treatment then.


Simi Valley
