
Famous one day, gone with the wind...

Famous one day, gone with the wind the next:

Phil Proctor and his wife, Melinda, noticed that a San Fernando Valley restaurant has paid homage to Hollywood with restroom doors labeled “Scarlet” and “Rhett.” But the names have caused a bit of confusion.

The manager told Proctor that some younger customers think Scarlet signifies the men’s room and Rhett the women’s room.

Not that Rhett Butler would give a darn, frankly.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Humorous business marquees don’t seem as numerous as they once were. But one place that is preserving the art is Arthur’s cafe in Downey (see photo). Fond of spoofing snooty establishments, Arthur’s has also posted such pronouncements as “Banquet Facilities for Six or Less,” “Rooftop Helicopter Parking--One Only” and, our favorite, “Thank You, Gourmet Magazine.”


THE LOST WORLD, PART II: Jackson Sleet of L.A. noticed a sign warning of two-legged creatures roaming about on a back road of the Getty Museum off Pacific Coast Highway (see photo).

GRADE SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL: The kid considered most likely to succeed in the Rosewood Elementary Class of 1960 later dropped out of college and decided to surf every day for the rest of his life. Which he more or less has.

That was just one of the stories gathered by Bob Reiss and other members of that sixth-grade class, who are organizing a reunion.


“We thought a grade school reunion would be fun because that was more of a care-free time--before the boy-girl pressures and the status pressures of high school,” said Reiss, 48. “Plus, we all grew up within walking distance of each other. And now we’re all facing the big 5-0 together.”

Of the 70 class members from the West Hollywood-area school, 55 have been accounted for (including three who died). So far, 26 say they’ll attend the July 12 event, which will be held at the home of one reunion organizer.

Those located include one former class “tough” who “seems as nice a family guy as you’d ever meet,” in Reiss’ words, as well as one accountant in another state who insisted he graduated from another elementary school. “I told him, ‘Irv, you’re in the [graduation] picture,’ “‘ Reiss said.


The surfer says he probably won’t attend.

L.A. RHYME OF THE WEEK: Roy Wallenstein of West Hollywood writes:

Some people from India

Who reside in Los Angeles

Feel homesick because

Their surroundings are Ganges-less.

Which is a real slap in the concrete at the L.A. River, if you ask us.


John F. Kennedy High in Granada Hills, heavily damaged during the Northridge quake, held groundbreaking ceremonies for its new administration building Thursday. Fittingly, it was the anniversary of the late president’s birth. Kennedy was born 80 years ago. And if that doesn’t make you baby boomers feel old . . .
