
Home Depot Move Before City Council

The City Council on Tuesday will consider a proposal by Home Depot to relocate from Lincoln Avenue to an industrial zoned area on North Brookhurst Street near the Santa Ana Freeway.

The company plans to build a 105,984-square-foot home improvement sales center with a 24,723-square-foot garden center on the 9 1/2-acre site at 714 N. Brookhurst St. The council will consider amending the city’s General Plan so that the site could be used for commercial purposes.

The Planning Commission last month approved Home Depot’s plan to relocate to the site in the Brookhurst Redevelopment project area. City officials said the new Home Depot would relieve blighted conditions on North Brookhurst.


The council will also consider amending an agreement with P&D; Consultants Inc. of Orange for plan-checking services related to the Disneyland Resort project.

Based on the services required during the past several months and the proposed construction schedule for the next four years, the city staff is recommending that the contract with P&D; be increased to a maximum of $450,000 annually. Costs will be reimbursed through fees paid by Disney.

The consultant was awarded a contract in September.

City staff will also make presentations at a 2 p.m. session on the proposed $670-million city budget for fiscal 1997-98. The public may attend and comment.


The regular meeting will begin at 5 p.m. in council chambers, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.

Information: (714) 254-5166.
