
Vote Scheduled on New School Leader

Concluding an extensive search for a leader for Laguna Beach Unified School District, trustees will hold a special session Tuesday to vote on their selection.

While school officials remain mum about their decision, Laguna Beach resident Bob Earl, who with his wife, Marge, led the executive search, said the field has been narrowed to the one preferred candidate.

“The thing is like 99% done,” he said. “It’s just crossing the Ts and dotting the I’s.”

The district has been struggling for a year with fiscal problems and shifting leadership, a situation that continued this week when trustee Karen Linden announced that she will resign July 1.


Despite the district’s difficulties, there was no shortage of candidates for the superintendent’s post, Marge Earl said. About 130 men and women, more than half of them sitting superintendents from within and outside the state--submitted resumes.

Board member Kathryn A. Turner said Friday that trustees still must “hammer out the final details on the contract” for the new superintendent, who will receive a base salary plus bonuses for achieving goals set by the board, an unusual arrangement in the public sector.

“I don’t know that there’s anyone in education who gets paid this way,” Turner said. “It isn’t business as usual.”


School officials say that the district may be close to solving its financial problems after a year of severe belt-tightening and a careful reworking of how it conducts business.

Pressured by angry parents at the peak of the crisis last summer, the board fired then-Chief Financial Officer Terry A. Bustillos. Former Supt. Paul M. Possemato tendered an early retirement offer the next day. Bustillos has since sued the district alleging breach of contract.

Cheryl Baughn, Thurston Middle School’s principal, has been acting as superintendent. She has requested a leave of absence for the fall semester.


Linden, a trustee since late 1990, said Friday she is resigning because she is moving out of the district. The board has 30 days to replace her.

Tuesday’s meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the board room at district headquarters, 550 Blumont St. Information: (714) 497-7700, Ext. 202.
