
City Considers Regulations for Tattoo Parlors

The city is considering regulations for tattoo parlors.

Though the city only has one, several inquiries have been made about opening shops, officials said, and a comprehensive ordinance may be necessary.

On Monday, the City Council will consider how close tattoo parlors may be to homes, parks, schools and churches; hours of operation; the screening of tattooing from the exterior of a business; limits on signs and the placement of sample art in windows.

Councilman Gary Monahan said there is no intent to prevent tattoo parlors from opening by over-regulating them. “A tattoo business is a legitimate business, and I do not believe we should restrict it,” he said.


Monahan said his chief concern is not their location but that they follow sanitary practices.

The City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. Monday in City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. Information: (714) 754-5223.
