
Pier Photos Sought for Historic Calendar

If you have a family photo--a year old or 100 years old--taken on or around the Ventura Pier, send it in for possible inclusion in next year’s Ventura Pier Historic Calendar.

The Ventura Pier Campaign is seeking memorable photographs featuring the city’s most beloved landmark.

Several public submissions were included in last year’s calendar, including the pier blanketed in white during a rare snowfall.


Photos of the pier from any era--1870s through the 1990s--are welcome. Historic images are especially welcome.

All proceeds from the calendars will go to the Ventura Pier Foundation.

Black-and-white or color prints are accepted. Negatives are not. Send submissions to Ventura Pier, Graphics Department, P.O. Box 99, Ventura 93002, with a brief description identifying the photo, a return address and telephone number. Photo credits will be given, and all photographs will be returned.
