
Casa Pacifica Day Program Recertified

Casa Pacifica has received a two-year recertification of its mental health day-treatment program from the state Department of Mental Health.

Meanwhile, the state Department of Social Services still has not decided what action to take after its own seven-month investigation of Ventura County’s only shelter and residential-care facility for abused children.

The Social Services Department launched its investigation in October, prompted by a 9-year-old’s sexual assault of a toddler.


An eight-member review team found no evidence that children are in danger at the Camarillo facility, but it recommended that staff members receive improved training.

In addition, the department could put the facility on probation, temporarily suspend its license or institute a correction plan, said Myron Taylor, community care licensing supervisor.

“There are still concerns . . . and we’re still moving forward with legal action,” Taylor said, adding there is no date set for the final decision.


The day-treatment evaluation included inspections of programs, treatment, communications, the clinic and overall safety, said Tonya Gonzales, Casa Pacifica spokeswoman.

The mental health program treats children ages 9 through 17 from the residential treatment facility through weekly individual, group and family therapy and crisis counseling.

The state mental health license is one of eight local, state and federal licenses the facility carries.
