
Door Slams on ‘Ellen’ Opponents

Regarding Ellen’s “coming out” (“A Closet Door Opens,” May 2): I would like Jerry Falwell to contemplate his sins before condemning others. What kind of person would call someone names and judge them? Certainly not a man of the cloth or a true Christian. . . . That would be against everything God and Jesus asked us not to do.

Jerry Falwell and the Wildmon family (the so-called Moral Majority, of which they are neither) should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and listen to what they are saying: They believe the producers “are recruiting for homosexuality.” Hello? Is someone giving away free toasters here?

I am 42, married for 14 years, and have two boys, ages 12 and 13. We watched “Ellen” together as a family so if the boys had questions we could answer them. We laughed at the outrageous assumptions about gays and felt sorrow when “Susan” admitted she was in a relationship.


We enjoyed the episode and will watch the next few episodes with our children. We also will not shop at JCPenney or eat at Wendy’s ever again! The only question our kids had at the end was, “Why do you get a toaster?”


Laguna Beach
