
Bid Approved to Build Interchange

Hoping to have the intersection up before Christmas, the City Council has accepted a construction contractor’s $1.75-million bid to improve the Hampshire Road/Ventura Freeway interchange.

Thousand Oaks council members voted 5 to 0 Tuesday night to accept the bid from Excel Paving Co., a Long Beach-based company, and also approved a $136,385 agreement with VCE Services Inc. for consulting services.

The improvements--scheduled to begin May 30 and end in November--will take place on the section of Hampshire Road between Foothill and Royal Oaks drives.


They will include widening Hampshire Road at the Ventura Freeway, adding one lane in each direction, widening the northbound and southbound freeway offramps, modifying traffic signals, adding bicycle lanes and pedestrian sidewalks beneath the freeway bridge columns, and relocating the median on that stretch of Hampshire Road.
