
Ten Students Win at State Science Fair


Ten Orange County students took honors at the California State Science Fair on Tuesday at the California Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles.

First-place winners were Jonathan B. Huer, a sophomore at Woodbridge High School in Irvine, in the fluids and aerodynamics division, and Edward Sheen, a junior at University High School in Irvine, in physiology.

Elaine C. Auyoung, a sophomore at University High, placed second in plant biology; Paul Daniell, a University High junior, won second place in biochemistry; Amish Parashar, a sophomore at Los Alamitos High School, took second in electricity and electronics; and Jeremy W. Shaw, a junior at Villa Park High School, won second place in physiology.


Third-place winners were Darrin J. Lee, a Woodbridge High junior, in pharmacology; and Cheng-Chung Lee, a University High junior, in applied mechanics.

Two junior high students also placed in their divisions. Danica M. Campos, a seventh-grader at St. Bonaventure Catholic School in Huntington Beach, placed second in the biochemistry division; and Elena H. Tovar, an eighth-grader at Fairmont Private Junior High in Anaheim, won third place in mathematics and software.

Students progressed to the state fair after winning at this year’s Orange County Science and Engineering Fair.
