
They Know How to Start Spreading News

In other world capitals Friday, they were worried about NATO, interest rates, the McVeigh trial, etc. but New York had something else on its civic mind:

The Knicks!

Specifically, the three players suspended from Friday’s game and the other two who will sit out Sunday’s in Miami, a sentence that didn’t go down well.

“OUTRAGE,” read the two-inch-high front-page headline in the Daily News.

“OH, SIT,” said the two-inch-high front-page headline in the Post.

Local TV stations gave day-long coverage to the NBA Players Assn.’s courageous effort to get a restraining order in Federal Court. The courtroom was packed by spectators, some fans wearing Knick jerseys over their shirt and ties.


At 5:15 p.m. word flashed around the city. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff denied the injunction, meaning the suspensions would stand, although he added: “This court is sufficiently parochial to wish that the Knicks be in every playoff in every round in every season.”

After Friday night’s 95-90 Heat victory, it’s looking grim, but thanks for the sentiment, your honor.
