
A Friendly Hand on the Shoulder

Here are some members of the Los Angeles Mentoring Coalition, a group of professionals from nonprofit youth-serving agencies that match responsible, caring adults with youths in need:

Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles

Provides male role models for boys 6 to 12 who do not have any significant male contact. Requires one-year commitment, one half day a week. (213) 258-3333.

Big Sisters of Los Angeles

Provides positive alternatives to high-risk and disadvantaged girls 6 to 18 by matching them with qualified women role models. Requires one-year commitment, three to five hours a week. (213) 933-5749.


Catholic Big Brothers

Adult male companionship for at-risk children 6 to 14, typically from one-parent families. Requires one-year commitment, three to four hours a week. (213) 251-9800.

Each One-Reach One

A school-community involvement project sponsored by the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Friends of the School Volunteer Program of Los Angeles. Requires one hour a week commitment during the school day at the school site for one school year plus orientation and training session. (213) 625-6900.

The Early Childhood Center

Matches women in the community as mentors to teen mothers. Requires two-year commitment, one visit a month at school, two telephone calls plus orientation, training and attendance at support groups. (310) 855-5377.


Fulfillment Fund

Matches successful adults with disadvantaged eighth-grade students for five years, after which the student is provided a scholarship for higher education. Requires one visit and two telephone calls per month for five years. (310) 788-9700.

Jewish Big Brothers

Matches children 6 to 18 who do not have a significant male figure in their lives with male role models. Requires one-year commitment, four hours twice a month. (213) 852-1173.

Los Angeles Team Mentoring

Facilitates mentoring relationships by grouping 10 to 12 at-risk middle school students with teams of mentors. Requires two meetings a month with the team, a two-day mentor training workshop, an all-day activity per semester and other weekend events, and phone calls. (213) 489-5667.


Mind Power Unlimited

Community-based mentor program for youths 12 to 17 providing support system of mentor teams, academic tutors and parents or guardians to prevent substance abuse, teen pregnancy, crime, school failure and gang activity. (213) 294-0709.

Pasadena Unified School District

Pasadena Partnership Academies

Matches interested adults with a cross-section of youths 16 to 17 to develop friendship, learn about careers, review schoolwork or talk about the future. Requires one meeting a month plus orientation, two-hour training session and one-year commitment. (818) 568-4549.

California One to One

A nonprofit organization formed in 1990 as a field office of the national One to One Partnership Inc. to promote and support responsible personal and economic mentoring for California’s young people. (213) 627-0311.


The business community has also developed a Virtual Mentoring Network to help recruit, sign up and track the progress of new mentors. Information at
