
Bear Tagged, Released Into Forest


A young black bear that hid in a drainage tunnel under California 126 and The Old Road near Castaic Junction was “smoked out” into a trap, tagged and set free in Angeles National Forest, authorities said Tuesday.

It was the season’s first bear sighting in the area, California Highway Patrol Sgt. Ben Dibene said.

“Several attempts, including those by hound dogs, failed to move the bear” after it was seen by residents Sunday, CHP Officer Doug Sweeny said.


It was feared if the bear was not removed it might appear on the nearby state highway or the Golden State Freeway, causing traffic crashes and endangering itself.

Dibene said four CHP officers, two fish and game wardens, a wildlife biologist, four Los Angeles County firefighters and six Caltrans employees worked four hours to trap the bear Monday afternoon.

Officials said rescuers initially tried to tranquilize the bear with a dart gun. Three hounds were then sent into the drainage pipe but the bear chased them out. The rescuers then tried rubber bullets, and finally fell back on using flares.


“A wildlife biologist checked the bear before we released him way deep into a wilderness in the Angeles Forest Area,” Dibene said.

The 2-year-old, 175- to 200-pound California black bear is normally docile, but could be dangerous if provoked or fed, said Patrick Moore, a spokesman for the state Department of Fish and Game in Long Beach.
