
FBI Chief Freeh on Cause of TWA 800 Crash

* The Times treats statements from government agencies as if they are gospel (“Mechanical Failure Is Likely in TWA Crash, Freeh Says,” May 5).

Where are the eyewitness accounts and the accounts from officials who were denied access to the crash scene? If there wasn’t the possibility of “friendly fire,” why, immediately following the crash, did the U.S. Navy move in, even though it has no legal jurisdiction? Why were divers from the N.Y. Police Department escorted out of the area that first night? Why was the “Go Team” from the National Transportation Safety Board barred from the first aircraft and ships into the area that night?



* I landed my Boeing 757 and came home to read the headline of your front-page article. FBI Director Louis Freeh’s assertion was reported to be based on “evidence not found.” The following day, I discover on Page 3 of the Business section that TWA has rebuked and ridiculed the assertion by the FBI as “clearly no conclusion at all.” Millions more reactions will be made to your headline about conclusions based on dubious evidence than to an article on Page D3.



TWA Captain

Manhattan Beach

* The cleaned-up phrase “things happen,” is exemplified in the tale of a chimpanzee seated in front of a piano, randomly banging on the keys. Given enough time, he will eventually play Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata.”

The tragedy of TWA Flight 800 is a real life example of the above adage. It wasn’t a conspiracy or improper design/manufacturing. It was the improbable coming together of a set of variables at a given time that resulted in the accident.


Los Angeles
