
More on Cuba

It is annoyingly paradoxical that “Cuban Americans” who favor the embargoes on Cuba (“Forbidden Cuba,” April 20) are permitted (and enjoy) greater freedom to travel there than most of the rest of us.


Rolling Heights Estates

Considering the prominent display of a Bodeguita del Medio photo and the caption, “ . . . a favorite Hemingway haunt,” it may be time to blow the whistle on this Hemingway hoax. There is no evidence that Ernest Hemingway ever visited there. The place displays a wall plaque that implies he drank mojitos (a sugar-sweetened rum drink) there. In reality, he declined to use sugar and had his daiquiris made without it at a real Hemingway haunt, the Floridita bar.

Happily, Christopher Reynolds used the term “alleged.” Even so, this is another addition to a data bank from which errors are almost impossible to erase.


I lived in Cuba in 1950-52, and my late wife worked weekends as Hemingway’s secretary.


Woodland Hills
