
China Trade Status

The article “Religious Right Enters Fray Over Trade Status For China” (May 2) fails to adequately explain the religious right’s position of not wanting to see most-favored-nation status renewed to China.

The Chinese government has not only refused to allow bibles into their nation, but they systematically sought out Chinese Catholic priests, Christian pastors and other Christian groups wishing to peacefully worship. Once found, it has been clearly documented that the Chinese government has beaten, tortured, imprisoned and in many cases killed, those Chinese citizens wishing to simply worship Jesus Christ. In fact, nations such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Cuba, Egypt and many others are guilty of equally abusive human-rights crimes.

The religious right’s position is at what point do rights violations outweigh economic benefits? When do we take the position that morally, as a nation, we can no longer turn our heads to human suffering in exchange for economic growth?



