
Last of U.S. Grants to Be Divvied Up

The City Council tonight plans to budget the last of $656,000 in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grants for projects and organizations that enhance the livability of the city and help needy residents.

Up for final approval is about $67,000 for charities and helping organizations, including those that serve at-risk youth, the aged and those in need of emergency shelter.

The City Council approved many of the allocations on April 15 but sent the charitable portion of the package back to its Housing and Community Development Advisory Board for revisions, said Mayor John J. Collins.


One of the proposed changes would accommodate Collins’ desire to allocate $6,000 toward a school bus that would serve the Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley.

Of the previously approved funds, about $328,000 is slated to spruce up streets, sidewalks, public properties and housing owned by senior citizens and lower-income residents.

About $40,000 is earmarked for code enforcement and $15,080 is to go toward job training.

HUD allocates grants to cities nationwide based on need, population, housing issues and other criteria.


Cities can use the funds as they wish, as long as projects meet federal standards.

Though cities can direct the money to programs throughout Orange County, Fountain Valley’s goal always has been to keep most of the grant money in town, Collins said.

“This money was given to the city as an investment to use in our community,” Collins said. “This should be kept in our community, serving Fountain Valley people.”

Some funds may go to organizations outside the city that can prove they serve Fountain Valley residents, Collins said.


The council meets tonight at 7 in City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave.

Information: (714) 965-4445.
