
A consumer’s guide to the best and...

A consumer’s guide to the best and worst of sports media and merchandise. Ground rules: If it can be read, played, heard, observed, worn, viewed, dialed or downloaded, it’s in play here.

What: The Hockey Rosary

Price: $20, plus $3 postage and handling; Cusick Creations, 240 N. 10th St., #2, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Web site:

With NHL referees consulting video replay on seemingly every goal this playoff season, some fans might be turning to a higher authority. Enter the Hockey Rosary, a palm-sized set of beads incorporating five rubber pucks, a medallion with crossed hockey sticks and a mini Stanley Cup in place of a crucifix. With each “nondenominational” rosary comes a card containing a modified version of the Lord’s Prayer:


“Lord Stanley, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Grail. Thy Playoffs come, thy will be done on ice as we win in seven. Give us this Game, our daily fix and forgive us our blasphemy as we forgive those who blaspheme against us. Lead us not into defeat, but deliver us the Cup.”

Also on the card: “Hail Mary, full of grace, put the puck in the right place.”

Lest anyone think this in bad taste, the flip side offers an apology to those with “strongly held religious beliefs [who] might take offense.” (A spokesman for the L.A. Archdiocese called the product “rather tasteless . . . like plastic vomit.”)

The originators of the “rosary,” a Catholic family of devout New York Ranger fans, say their hockey Hail Mary helped the Rangers end a 54-year Stanley Cup drought in 1994. They came up with the rosary the next year. They make no claims for the rosary’s effectiveness, but the Rangers have won their first-round series, so, with apologies to Al Michaels, do you believe in miracles?
