
Perjury Charges Sought Against O.J. Simpson

Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred said Tuesday that she has asked the Los Angeles County Grand Jury to consider perjury charges against O.J. Simpson because of his civil trial testimony that he never hit Nicole Brown Simpson.

Allred said she had made the same request of Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti, but never received a response. Garcetti declined comment.

In her letter to the grand jury, Allred said Simpson’s testimony that he never hit, struck, slapped or kicked Nicole Simpson is contradicted by photos of a battered and bruised Nicole, his 1989 plea of no contest to spousal battery, the tape of a 911 call in which Nicole Simpson describes her fear of her ex-husband, Nicole Simpson’s diary entries alleging abuse, and the testimony of several witnesses who describe watching or hearing about the abuse.


“Victims of domestic violence depend on the system to let perpetrators of domestic violence know that testimony under oath must be truthful, and that the system will impose consequences on those who give knowingly false testimony about a material matter to the jury,” Allred said.

Simpson was acquitted of murder in a criminal trial in the June 12, 1994, deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman. A civil trial jury found Simpson liable for their deaths.

The grand jury is prohibited by law from indicating what it discusses or what action it plans to take except by returning an indictment or a final report.
