
Youths’ Concerns to Be Heard at Forum

The city’s youth will get a chance Saturday to tell adults what they need to make the community a better place for them.

The first Community Youth Forum, sponsored by the San Juan Community Task Force and San Juan Rotary Club, is intended to let youths from fifth to 12th grade discuss the concerns, needs and problems they have in the community, such as the lack of athletic facilities and after-school activities.

Parents, community members and merchants as well as students are invited to participate in the Kids Kickback, which starts at 11 a.m. at Marco F. Forster Middle School.


Task force President Alva Lefevre said her organization has held forums before, but never one specifically targeted for youths.

“I hope everybody who lives in the community and works in the community can come and help us,” she said.

On Wednesday, the Rotary Club will host a dinner at El Adobe Restaurant for 100 community leaders to discuss the results of the youth forum. A steering committee also will be formed to coordinate future projects, Lefevre said.


Saturday’s event will be held in the multipurpose room at Forster, at 25601 Camino del Avion. Information: (714) 365-0970.
