
Fire Damages Vacant 2-Story House in Simi Valley

A fire that apparently began in the garage of a vacant Simi Valley house Monday afternoon destroyed the garage, jumped to the steep shake roof and seriously damaged the two-story structure.

The fire at 2685 Lee St. began at 4:53 p.m., fire officials said. Eight fire engines fought the blaze, and brought it under control at 5:33 p.m. No one was injured. The cause of the fire and the cost of damage to the structure was unknown.

Dave Kingston, owner of Simi Valley-based Calabasas Funding, said his company bought the house earlier this year to restore and sell. The company paid $150,000 for the four-bedroom house, which was in foreclosure.


Ironically, the company planned to replace the shake roof, which, with California’s extended fire season, is considered dangerous.

Although his company’s investment was in flames, Kingston appeared calm as he watched firefighters swarm over the house.

“Well, we don’t have any belongings in it, at least,” he said.
