
Program to Fund Arts Projects in City

Grant applications for the city of Ventura’s 1997-98 Cultural Funding Program are available for county artists and arts organizations.

A total of $30,000 will be awarded for arts projects conducted in the city between Aug. 1 and July 31, 1998.

Local visual, literary and performing artists will be offered a total of $9,000 through the Artist Fellowship Awards. Applicants must have resided in Ventura County for at least one year.


In addition, $13,000 in grant money will be awarded for the production and presentation of cultural works, $4,000 toward bringing professional artists into Ventura classrooms and $4,000 for projects that make the arts accessible to senior citizens, youth and the disabled.

Also, the Arts Partnership Awards will offer $21,000 to nonprofit organizations in Ventura County.

Grant applications must be submitted by June 5. “How to Apply” workshops will be held today and May 14 at 6 p.m. in Conference Room E of Ventura City Hall, 501 Poli St. Grant coordinator Elena Brokaw will lead the workshops.


For more information, call Brokaw at 658-4755.
