
Kenneth Starr

* Your April 24 Whitewater editorial wasn’t strong enough. After 3 1/2 years, $30 million and a staff the size of an entire law firm, this Kenneth Starr fellow, this perfectly neutral, high-minded, no-ax-to-grind lawyer is still looking into possibilities? Give us all a break. I don’t want to pay for him anymore.

The investigation has become a corrupt exercise. No wonder we get such a plethora of idiots in Congress--good people, bright people, action people make mistakes--the schlimazels don’t, or claim not to. It doesn’t take any person or group of persons, lawyers or otherwise, almost four years to gather evidence of malfeasance unless there is a corrupt purpose to the investigation. The Independent Counsel Act has gone berserk--as have too many representatives and senators. Enough!


Los Angeles

* If this was Nixon or Reagan, The Times would be far ahead of Starr in searching for the smoking gun. Why don’t you guys just admit you report favorably or unfavorably based on agenda and not principle. Don’t worry about the “millions of dollars” it cost us taxpayers so far. It’s peanuts compared to the dollars spent by big government. There were four partners involved in Whitewater. Two are in jail and two are in the White House. Draw your own conclusion.



Hacienda Heights

* When will Starr and company realize that Whitewater is not Watergate, is not Iran-Contra, is not anything even vaguely related to the Clinton presidency. If this climate of suspicion existed back in 1948, Starr or someone like him would be investigating Truman’s past relationship with Boss Pendergast of Kansas City.

With an overwhelming victory for a second term, Clinton should be exempt by now from a petty, conniving political witch hunt that has produced exactly nothing other than harassment of the first family.


Los Angeles

* England’s historic Star Chamber--a court infamous for its pomp, grandstanding and foregone conclusions--has been resurrected. Now it’s spelled “Starr.”


