

Regarding the suspension of Police Cmdr. Tim McBride and the subsequent two-day hearing (“Suspension Is Overturned for LAPD Spokesman,” April 22), I felt as though I was reading a news report from Lilliput.

This incident is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with America. Feminist groups act like vindictive children and encourage their followers to become paranoid, humorless harridans who wield sledgehammers to kill mosquitoes. Officer Elizabeth Hatter’s response to “Hi, babe” (if indeed that was actually said) should have been to say, “I’d prefer you didn’t call me that.” An adult woman could have handled the situation easily, and in a way that didn’t cause embarrassment to either party; this is what we call civility.

I believe that Hatter’s frivolous complaint and the attitudes expressed by Feminist Majority are in themselves examples of sexual harassment. May I take this opportunity to say that I totally repudiate organizations like Feminist Majority. They do not represent the majority of women.



Santa Monica
