
Student Wins $500 Music Scholarship

Kendra Shorts, a Buena High School graduate, received a $500 scholarship from Professional Musicians of Ventura County Local 581 of the American Federation of Musicians. Shorts, a junior at UCLA, is pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in clarinet performance.

The scholarship is awarded annually to a student whose family resides in Ventura County and who is working to learn the craft of music at an accredited college or university music program.

Explorer Program Honors Participant

* The Simi Valley Police Department awarded its 1997 Explorer of the Year honor to Nicholas Peach. Peach, 18, joined the Explorer Post program in 1993 and has contributed more than 2,100 hours of service. The Simi Valley High School graduate was selected by his fellow Explorer Scouts for his dedication to the Police Department and program.


Companies Recognized for Reducing Waste

* The city of Ventura recognized five businesses for outstanding contributions to the community’s waste reduction and recycling program. The award selections:

Waste Watch Gold Award: Buenaventura Mall.

Waste Watch Silver Award: Island Printing.

Waste Watch Green Award: Ventura Marina Mobile Home Park.

Honorable Recognition: Fuller Paint and Glass.

Honorable Recognition: Pittsburgh Paints.

The awards are given annually to businesses that support the city’s campaign to recycle and reduce waste by 50% by 2000.

Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
