
Many Will Miss Times Reporter

My standard Sunday morning routine was shattered April 20 as I lifted the first spoonful of Wheaties to my mouth and settled in with the Orange County Edition of The Times.

There, on page one of the Metro Section, I discovered that my friend and former Times education writer, Bill Billiter, had died the previous day. My spoon went quietly back to the bowl. A profound sadness overwhelmed me.

The world has lost a kind and generous man. Bill is the best journalist I’ve known in my 25-year career. He was a person of integrity and elegance in a profession that, sadly, hungers for more of both. For me, he was a role model. He’d occasionally admonish me for putting in too many hours on the job, and for being an “adrenaline junky,” for loving the challenge of a demanding story.


In his soft, Kentucky dialect, he’d counsel, “Slow down, Jim. Take more time with your loved ones.” But Bill didn’t fool me. I knew he was speaking as much to himself as he was to me. He was a perfectionist. He was obsessed with truth. He was the best.

God made just one Bill Billiter, and I feel blessed to have known him. I’ll miss him.


Director of Community Relations

Orange Coast College

* The Huntington Beach community and the Billiter family have lost a precious treasure with the unexpected death of Bill Billiter.

Bill was a charming, bright and talented journalist whose life and work was balanced by strong values and a respect for others. As a journalist and a citizen, Bill Billiter made a difference in this community and he will be missed.


All of us who knew Bill Billiter will grieve. Each will grieve for that special loss, the significant role Bill played in our lives.

Bill’s wife and family will grieve for that loving quiet support and the good friend with whom they shared the highs and lows of life. Each of his four children and six grandchildren will grieve for that special relationship they had with their father and grandfather.

Journalists will grieve for the loss of a good friend, a mentor and an esteemed colleague. Runners will grieve the loss of a fun competitor who inspired many to get involved in the sport.


Others will grieve the loss of a strong community advocate. Bill Billiter’s sense of community pride and commitment to do “what’s right” has made a tremendous difference for seniors, youth and others in Huntington Beach. Bill’s sense of community history and his unique ability to listen and analyze issues made him a valuable resource whether or not he was writing a story.

All of us will grieve the loss of a wonderful human being. How fortunate we were to have had the opportunity to know and love him!

Because his life ended so abruptly, Bill left behind many saddened friends and many unsaid goodbyes. The nicest tribute you could pay to Bill Billiter would be to think about the things he valued, cherish the good, and incorporate those ideals into your life, passing those special qualities on to the next generation. He’d be so proud!



Huntington Beach

City School District

* I was shocked and saddened to read of Bill Billiter’s death. I always enjoyed reading his work and was confident when talking to him that the resulting article would be both balanced and fair.

My condolences to his family and his colleagues. He will be missed by many more than he could ever have guessed.


Cypress School District

Board of Trustees

* It made me very sad to read about the untimely death of Bill Billiter.

I had the great honor of knowing Billiter as a reporter who always stood for professionalism and integrity. I saw the high quality of articles written by Bill on educational issues. While a member of the California Coastal Commission, I witnessed Bill’s accurate and sensitive reporting of important environmental issues. As a mayor and City Council member of Huntington Beach, I saw Bill report on many politically charged issues. He was always fair and objective.


Above all, Bill was a kind man who cared deeply about journalism and the community. Orange County has lost one of the finest reporters and individuals that I’ve had the privilege of knowing. He will be deeply missed.


Fountain Valley
