

Mike Myers stars as a swingin’ ‘60s secret agent caught in the ‘90s in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery” (opening Friday). But while his tastes may be international, they leave little mystery as to Myers’ origins. Hockey? Doughnuts? The only fiction of “Wayne’s World” was that Myers, 33, a Westside resident with wife Robin Ruzan, was from Illinois. (He’s from Toronto.)

FAVORITE MOVIE THEATER: “I love movies on planes. Everything’s good on a plane. I love airplane food. It’s toy food.”

READING: “I’m in the middle of ‘Bodyguard of Lies’ by Anthony Cave Brown. It’s about the British Intelligence Service and how they had completely, 100% deceived Hitler during World War II. You know in the Battle of Britain movies, those ladies with croupier sticks moving the pieces on the map--’Jerry over London, scramble over the hill’? My mum did that. And my dad was in the second wave of the liberation of Holland.”


VIDEO RENTAL: “ ‘Kelly’s Heroes.’ Without question, hands down. You got your heist movie, you got your World War II movie and you got your comedy.”

STAGE LIFE: “I’m in a band called Ming Tea with Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs. We played the Viper Room. And I do improv nights at the Groundlings, where we’ve also played as Ming Tea. I’m made of 30% water and 70% ham--any time I get a chance to perform, I do. I’m a Frisbee dog. And Groundlings are the best improvisers I’ve ever seen in my life.”

SNACK TIME: “When I’m in Toronto, doughnuts. It’s like, bars close at 2, head to the doughnut shop at 2:15. You don’t have that in L.A.--Toronto’s a very walking city; L.A. isn’t.”


WE ARE NOT WORTHY: “I go to the Forum and I go to the Pond in Anaheim [for hockey]. . . . I’m intimidated by the players. They’re heroes. So I get a case of the shys when I meet them. Though they like ‘Wayne’s World.’ Many of them grew up in Toronto and played road hockey as kids. That was the song of their street too: ‘Car! . . . Game on!’ ”

FAVORITE HOCKEY INJURY: “Would have to be, ummm, pulled groin. But my favorite favorite is plate in the head. They don’t tend to have that so much these days.”

GUILTY PLEASURE: “We go to Nate-N-Al’s a lot, and Jerry’s Famous Deli--we probably eat in delis more than anything. Scientists, I think, are going to find out that sodium’s great for you. They don’t have the instrumentation yet. But when they do, I’ll have the last, hyper-tense laugh.”
