
Volunteer Brigades Set to Clean Up Beaches, Parks

Hundreds of Westside volunteers are expected to hit the streets, parks and beaches today in several Earth Day and springtime clean-up efforts.

Residents in Westchester, Venice, Mar Vista and Playa del Rey will paint over graffiti, pull weeds and sweep the streets in the third annual “Clean Up for Mom,” a pre-Mother’s Day neighborhood event sponsored by the Los Angeles Police Pacific Division Community Advisory Board. Call (310) 202-4524 for information.

In Culver City, two junior high school students are overseeing the biannual Ballona Creek clean-up. Volunteers will be armed with rakes, brooms, paint and rollers to clear debris out of the creek and paint over graffiti on bridges. Call (310) 253-6411 for information.


On the beach at Playa del Rey, at Pacific Avenue and Convoy Street, Heal the Bay volunteers will paint anti-pollution warning symbols above storm drains that say “No Dumping--This Drains To Ocean.” Up the coast at Zuma Beach, more than 900 GTE employees have pledged to spend the morning cleaning the beach with Heal the Bay. The organization can be reached at (310) 581-4188.
