
If Dryer’s Slowing Down, Take the Lint and Clean Up

From Associated Press

If your dryer seems to take forever to dry a load of clothes, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to buy a new machine. Chances are ol’ faithful simply needs some attention.

In many cases, a dryer that’s not doing its job as quickly as it used to is suffering from an affliction that’s quite easy to fix: lint buildup.

To work effectively, a dryer must move a large quantity of air over the clothes in the drum. The air is heated by a gas burner or electric element and is pulled through the drum as it turns.


Inside, the dry, warm air picks up moisture from the clothes and carries the moisture through a venting system to the outdoor air. However, moisture isn’t the only thing that the air picks up along the way. It also accumulates lint particles from the clothes. That’s why you need to clean the lint filter after each use.

Unfortunately, simply cleaning the filter may not be enough over the long haul. A small amount of lint can get by the filter and, over time, accumulate around the moving parts of the dryer and inside the ductwork and venting system. Not only does this accumulation restrict the flow of air, it can also pose a fire hazard.

Of course, the first step in ensuring safe and efficient dryer operation is to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper venting practices.


Use only approved venting material such as a rigid or flexible metal duct to provide a minimal restriction to air flow. Avoid flexible plastic ducts that can be easily crushed or kinked. The ribbed surface of this type of duct is also more prone to lint accumulation.

To maintain good performance, all dryers should be cleaned at least once a year. To do the job, you’ll need a good vacuum, a flashlight, a 1 1/2- to 2-inch soft-bristle paintbrush, a broom or mop handle, an old towel, some duct tape and a few simple hand tools.

Begin by unplugging the dryer from its power source. If yours is a gas unit, shut off the gas supply to the dryer. Pull the machine away from the wall and thoroughly vacuum dust and lint behind it.


Then disconnect the duct from the back of the dryer. It may be secured to the exhaust port of the dryer with clamps, screws or duct tape. Use your vacuum and brush to clean away all the lint at the end of the duct. Then clean the dryer exhaust port area with the vacuum.

Next, disassemble each section of ductwork. Using the end of the broom handle, push the towel through each piece to remove lint buildup. Vacuum up as much of the lint as possible, and then inspect the inside of each length with the flashlight.

When the duct sections are clean, move to the exhaust hood that’s mounted to an exterior wall of your house. The exhaust hood has a pivoting flap that’s designed to open when the dryer is working and close when the dryer stops.

The hood should be at least 12 inches from the ground. Sometimes lint can accumulate under the hinge of the pivoting flap, inhibiting operation. To clean the hood, reach inside and use a screwdriver to loosen any lint.

Then check that the damper moves freely. When reassembling the exhaust venting system, avoid using sheet metal screws to connect the duct sections. The sharp points can trap lint and accelerate accumulation. Instead, use clamps to secure flexible metal ductwork and duct tape for rigid sections.

With the exhaust system clean and assembled, move to the front of the machine. Remove the lint filter and use your vacuum’s crevice tool to clean the space around and below the filter housing.


Then check the job with a flashlight.
