
RemedyTemp to Move to Aliso Viejo

Temporary staffing company RemedyTemp Inc. said Friday that it will move its corporate headquarters from San Juan Capistrano to a new office building in Aliso Viejo. It has signed a lease for 52,000 square feet on the first two floors of a three-story office building that will be completed in May 1998 near the San Joaquin Hills toll road--the first office building to be constructed in Orange County in several years. The fast-growing company has run out of space and wants to consolidate all of its 110 employees under one roof, said RemedyTemp Chief Executive Paul Mikos. Remedy is the first tenant that has been signed for the new office project, called Summit, above the Aliso Viejo Town Center. Developer Parker Properties of Aliso Viejo has begun grading for the complex’s first phase, which will include two buildings, each 85,000 square feet. When complete, the Summit complex will be twice the size of the existing office buildings in Aliso Viejo’s commercial center, Pacific Park, and is expected to employ nearly 7,000 workers. (Melinda Fulmer)
