
FRESHWATER17. CASTAIC LAKE--Fishing pressure has been light...


17. CASTAIC LAKE--Fishing pressure has been light because of strong winds that have forced the closure of both reservoirs at times. Ryan Hunt, Lake Isabella, with guide Troy Folkestad, 14- and 9-pound bass, on crawdads. Nick Marks, Spokane, with guide Harry Jioras, 12-4 bass, on crawdad.

18. LAKE PIRU--Largemouth bass action fair in coves. Randy Moeller, Granada Hills, 7-9 bass on black Pig-N-Jig. Jim North, Torrance, 7-0 bass, on purple Power Worm at Reasoner Cove. Trout action good for trollers dragging Needlefish and Rapalas down center of lake. Crappie picking up at north end.

19. PYRAMID LAKE--An excellent bass bite is in progress for largemouth and smallmouth. No big fish, but lots of them. Spinnerbaits, crankbaits and plastic worms getting most. A few catfish and stripers are being caught on anchovies.


20. LAKE CACHUMA--Largemouth bass biting readily on spinnerbaits and crankbaits. Red ear perch fair at east end and island, biting mostly on night crawlers. Trout fair for trollers using Needlefish lures at 15 feet at west end. Jan Hale, Lakewood, five trout totaling 14-4, largest 4-0, on night crawler-flasher combo.

21. LAKE CASITAS--Largemouth bass bite has slowed some. Tim Parrish, Huntington Beach, 11-8 bass on Optimum Swimbait. Harry Waycasy, Ojai, 10-0 bass on live shad. Jesse Link, Lomita, 10-10 bass on crawdad. Jim Baker, Hanford, 18-8, 11-0 and 8-0 catfish on night crawlers.

22. CORONA LAKE--Crappie action picking up and hybrid striped bass are starting to boil, which is good because the trout bite is slowing fast as the lake temperature rises. Top trout an 11-8 by Peter Rasinski, Corona, while trolling a black Panther Martin. “Pathways to Fishing” clinic for kids scheduled Saturday. Details: (909) 277-3321.


23. SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--It has been a good week for all species. Robert Zeller, Upland, 11-4 trout on Power Bait. Larry Crayton, Los Angeles, 28-7 sturgeon on shrimp. Dave O’Keeney, Anaheim, 32-7 catfish on night crawler. Jim Jameson, Orange, 6-8 hybrid striped bass on plastic worm.

24. IRVINE LAKE--Trout remain active in Sierra Cove area, biting on lures and bait. Glen Smith, Newport Beach, 14-pound trout on a Roostertail. Dan Clarke, Fontana, 13-8 trout, also on a Roostertail. Largemouth bass fair in shallows, best in mornings on spinnerbaits and crankbaits. Lake manager Jim Niemiec caught a 10-pounder on a Flutter Craft green spinnerbait just outside his office trailer. Crappie picking up.

25. LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Largemouth bass still active around shoreline, biting on plastic worms and crankbaits. A few in 5-0 range. Trout bite slowing, but many limits recorded on standard baits and lures.


26. LAKE SKINNER--All species active. Top catch, a stringer of striped bass totaling 40 pounds by Mike Allen, San Bernardino, on Optimum Swimbaits at dam. Largemouth bass biting at north shore, catfish biting at dam.

27. LAKE PERRIS--Lots of bass in shallows at east end, but few large fish being caught. Michelle Brannon, Anaheim Hills, 7-2 bass on purple plastic worm. Other species fair. Butch Jones and Karen Ritter, Chino, bluegill and red ear perch stringer totaling nearly 19 pounds.

28. SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--A good bass bite is in progress at El Capitan, San Vicente, Sutherland and Otay, with each lake yielding fish to about 10 pounds. Mornings best bets. Crappie action steady at El Capitan. Trout bite slowing at Miramar and Murray, but a few limits are being filled. Catfish bite picking up in all lakes. Hodges fair for bass.

29. LAKE CUYAMACA--Spring has finally arrived at this alpine reservoir, which means the bass are moving into the shallows, which means fishermen are finding them vulnerable. Chris Price, Julian, weighed one in at nearly 12 pounds on a pumpkin-seed plastic worm. The water is still 58 degrees, however, and trout remain the primary target. Bite is steady for pan-sized fish on Power Bait and night crawlers.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

8. MARINA DEL REY--14 anglers (1 boat): 12 barracuda.

12. SEAL BEACH--36 anglers (2 boats): 18 calico bass, 15 sand bass, 8 whitefish, 97 sculpin, 82 rockfish, 20 sand dabs, 1 spotted bay bass, 71 mackerel.


14. DANA WHARF--52 anglers (2 boats): 43 calico bass, 2 halibut.

15. OCEANSIDE--68 anglers (4 boats): 84 calico bass, 10 sand bass, 3 halibut, 19 sculpin, 57 mackerel.

16. SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--78 anglers (5 boats): 85 yellowtail, 2 barracuda, 53 bonito. (Seaforth)--63 anglers (4 boats): 34 yellowtail, 38 bonito, 46 calico bass, 1 sand bass, 23 rockfish, 4 mackerel, 2 sheephead, 10 sculpin. (Islandia)--8 anglers (1 boat): 3 sand bass, 12 calico bass.


LOS ANGELES--Bouquet Canyon Creek, Castaic Lagoon, Jackson Lake, Little Rock Reservoir. SAN BERNARDINO--Glen Helen Park Lake, Green Valley Lake, Lytle Creek (Middle and North forks), Mill Creek, Mojave Narrows Park Lake, Prado Park Lake, Yucaipa Park Lake. RIVERSIDE--Fullermill Creek, Fulmor Lake. VENTURA--Lake Casitas, Matilija Creek, Lake Piru, Rose Valley Lake, Santa Paula Creek, Upper Sespe Creek, Ventura River (North Fork). SANTA BARBARA--Lake Cachuma, Santa Ynez River. SAN LUIS OBISPO--Lake Lopez, Santa Margarita Lake. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South forks and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Diaz Lake, Georges Creek, Goodale Creek, Independence Creek, Lone Pine Creek, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Shepards Creek, Symms Creek, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Bridgeport Reservoir, Buckeye Creek, Convict Creek, Green Creek, Lee Vining Creek, Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Mill Creek, Owens River (Benton Crossing), Reversed Creek, Rush Creek, Sherwin Creek, Swauger Creek, Virginia Creek, Walker River (Leavitt Meadows Campground to Sonora Bridge).
