
Reporter Missed

How sad to learn of Bill Billiter’s sudden death. Bill was the kind of conscientious reporter you always hope will be covering a story you care about. He also happened to be a very nice guy.

In 1984, Bill was assigned to report on a presidential candidates’ debate that a number of us--local elected officials from across the country--were staging in Des Moines, Iowa. Because of some logistic snafu, Bill had to walk 10 blocks to meet me for a pre-debate interview. Wearing no hat or earmuffs to protect himself from the below-zero wind-chill, he arrived at my hotel with his face and ears a bright red; he was obviously chilled to the bone.

As it turned out, he wrote an engaging, informative story about the stake that local officials and cities have in presidential politics. Bill Billiter’s untimely death should remind us all that when a good reporter dies, it’s a loss to our entire community.



